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Procomil 5mg


Yohimbine is an aphrodisiac drug having effect on the local nervo-sexual processes. It generally stimulates and tonifies libido and the sexual capacity. Therefore it is used in case of sexual disturbances like reduced libido or sexual incapacity, reduced excitability as well as general and sexual-specific symptoms of age. Yohimbine is tolerated well so that it is recommendable to take the preparation for a period of 4 to 8 weeks to achieve an even better result.

Indications of Procomil 5 mg:

Disturbances of the potentia coeundi, disturbances of the libido, reduced reflex-excitability of the plexus lumbosacralis, general and sexual-specific symptoms of the male "climacterium virile", as sleepiness, weakened capacity of concentrating, depression, deactivation.